I’ve been waiting a long time for this. A track about Cosby Sweaters… all we need now are a couple of tracks about Gordon Gartrelle and Ichi Amarata.
Oh Snapp!! & Ed Orable – Bill Cosby Sweater (Mikos Video) from Mike Bergfeld on Vimeo.
I’ve been waiting a long time for this. A track about Cosby Sweaters… all we need now are a couple of tracks about Gordon Gartrelle and Ichi Amarata.
Oh Snapp!! & Ed Orable – Bill Cosby Sweater (Mikos Video) from Mike Bergfeld on Vimeo.
Disco Bill… it sounds more like Barry White to me than Bill Cosby doing disco but whatever… this is still more important news than anything you’re likely to hear today.
“Let’s boogie”
Man. The Cosby Show’s been over for a while now.. which makes this clip kind of uncomfortable.
I would like.
To talk.
courtesy of the CNB