Links Links Links. Get Em While They’re Hot

Old people talking about the Internet

It was over when

Hot Chicks Eating Tacos and no, it’s not PORN.



Chrissy Caviar

Hey It’s August. Links Sucka

Russian Haired Sausages. This is all kinds of awesome.

Skinny girls, Big Sammiches.

Avoid this job

Accidental Dong. Penis. But by accident.

I was bored a little while ago, but I’m not bored anymore.

Passive aggressive notes

You should have seen this dot com

Mike Hunt Is A Black Klansman

Just what the title says.

An African American man who refused to remove his Ku Klux Klan uniform while appearing before the Los Angeles City Council prompted several council members to walk out of the meeting. Michael Hunt (yes, I know — let’s be mature about this) has a history of testing the limits of his 1st Amendment rights.

Late July Links. Michael Jackson Was Kicked In The Balls By Joe. Eva Mendes Was Not.

Remember back when you were a kid, and you would spend whole summers just finding dead bodies in the woods and pushing them down the river?

Skymall. Period.

Movies should be banned because they cause children to drink gasoline and turn into Transformers

How do you like your women? via Supafamous

Don’t understand stalkers? After this you might. See you tomorrow Eva Mendes.

Michael Jackson’s dad kicked him in the nuts. That’s why Michael Jackson was sterile.

Links From Abroad

A Passion For Donkeys and other Awful Library Books

You want the creativity? You can’t handle the weird Etsy creativity.

fuckyeahchristinahendricks single serving

Ebony magazine’s 1983 prediction of what Michael Jackson would look like in the year 2000.

More Tumblr. Don’t Judge My Hair

How did i do without this of the day The iBum Chair. With video:

Leeeeeeenks About Dorm Fridges, Chicken Dung, Luke Chueh, Michael Jackson and Photoshopped Black People

Coyote Urine’s on sale at Amazon
. $29.95 is a small price to pay for the BEST PRANK GIFT EVER!

Her father actually named her chicken dung and only now is she able to have her name changed.

What’s in my dorm fridge Flickr pool.

Single Serving Gary Landlord Of The Flies

Too many black people in your photo? Just remove them. Not enough… photoshop extra black people in.

Luke Chueh’s soundtrack to my life now available as a laptop skin.

Michael Jackson Beat It zipper shirt without the leather and zippers.

Links For Your Amusement or I’m Slacking With The Posts

Sorry, lots of work and lots of traveling means less time to idly wander the internet.

My chainsaw… she is USB powered. Kinda takes hacking up a level huh? via LikeCool

So I’m pretty sure I saw someone wearing this on the plane today. Hippopoticorns indeed… everyone knows they live in pairs, not trios.

Step aside slanket… make way for the wearable towel.

Audrey Kawasaki’s Rokuro-kubi painting will be featured at the Monster group show at Copro Gallery… if you live near the Copra Gallery… which I don’t. Many. Why am I not surprised that a legend like this Rokuro-kubi thing is Japanese?

Don’t have a kid? Maybe you should get a hangover