“It’s Almost 2010” Links

None of which have any relevance to the coming New Year…

Random Russ

Remember when You Had Braces?

Smile like you’re dead inside

Too black. Too seated. Via CNB

These people think you should leave Tiger alone

Questionable candles… Christos Mysterio Jr and Our Lady Of Lucha Libre

The stylish times of the Roseanne show

Links To Get You Through The Day

Single serving Frakking Geeksters

Sarah Palin hates Asian people.

Single serving Frakking Geeksters

Brickgun. If you order one beware… Ontario SWAT is looking for you.

Single serving Babies in crazy hats

Single serving Christmas time… prepare thyself for Sketchy Santas

AOTS Powers Activate!

Actors in suits stand into their old roles.

Most via


With more and more articles suggesting the internet isn’t a safe place for adults let alone kids I figured I would bring things into perspective. Sure, the internet may offer some risks… some inappropriate images, dangerous ideas and generally questionable content… but why blame the class for the behavior of a few kids.

I think we know who’s really at fault.


/b/ responsible for all that is vile and evil on the internet

4chan will destroy you. /b/ will destroy you slowly
